Tax Treaty Countries and Affidavits

Please note, for some countries one or more of these conditions may apply:

For questions, contact Payroll Services at or the Office of Human Resources Contact Center at, 612-624-8647, or 800-756-2363.

These charts lists current tax treaty information. For old tax treaty information, contact Payroll Services.

Jump to a country:

CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
ArmeniaARMSee Commonwealth of Independent States
AustraliaAUSIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
Austria AUTIndependent Personal Services no limit14
AzerbaijanAZESee Commonwealth of Independent States
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
BangladeshBGDScholarship or fellowship grantno limitno limit21(2)
BGDIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit15
BGDTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit21(1)
BGDStudying and Trainingno limit$8000 limit21(2)
BarbadosBRBIndependent Personal Services89 days$5000 limit14
BelarusBLRSee Commonwealth of Independent States
BelgiumBELIndependent Personal Servicesno limitno limit7 (Business Profits Article)
BELTeaching and Research2 years from date of arrivalno limit19(2)
BELStudying and Trainingno limit$9000 limit19-1(b)
BulgariaBGRIndependent Personal Servicesno limitno limit7
BGRTeaching and Research2 years from date of arrivalno limit19(2)
BGRStudying and Trainingno limit$9000 limit19-1(b)

The treaty for CIS (formerly USSR) applies to the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

The treaty with CIS does NOT include Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Russia, or Ukraine

CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
DenmarkDENIndependent Personal Services no limit14
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
EstoniaESTScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit20
ESTIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
ESTStudying and Training
(income from personal services)
5 years$5000 limit20
EgyptEGYScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit23(1)
EGYIndependent Personal Services89 daysno limit15
EGYTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit22
EGYStudying and Training
Compensation during training
5 years+ additional period necessary to complete postgraduate education$3000 limit23(1)
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
FinlandFINIndependent Personal Services no limit18
FranceFRAScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit21(1)
FRAIndependent Personal Services no limitno limit14
FRATeaching and Research2 yearsno limit20
FRAStudying and Training
Compensation during studying or training
5 years$5000 limit21(1)
FRAMaximum total combined limit is 5 taxable years Exemption can be claimed only once
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
GermanyDEUScholarship or fellowship grant no limit20(3)
DEUIndependent Personal Services no limit14
DEUTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit20(1)
DEUStudying and Training4 years$9000 limit20(4)
DEUIf previously used Study and Training article, can only use Teaching or Research article if residency is re-established in home country for at least one year.
GeorgiaGEOSee Commonwealth of Independent States
GreeceGRCIndependent Personal Services183 days$10,000 limitX
GRCTeaching3 yearsno limitXII **
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
HungaryHUNIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit13
HUNTeaching and Research2 years (invited for no longer than 2 year)no limit17
HUNStudying or training
(no student category)
May choose to be taxed as resident with some limitations 17
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
IcelandISLScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit19(1)
ISLIndependent Personal Servicesno limitno limit7
ISLStudying and Training5 years beginning with the taxable year that includes arrival date ***$9000 limit19(1)
IndiaINDIndependent Personal Services89 daysno limit15
INDTeaching and Research2 years (if here for more than 2 years the exemption is lost for entire period)no limit22
IndonesiaIDNScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit19(1)
IDNIndependent Personal Services119 daysno limit15
IDNTeaching and Research2 years (may use this exemption only once)no limit20
IDNStudying and Training5 years$2000 limit19(1)
IrelandIRLIndependent Personal Services no limit14
IsraelISRScholarship or fellowship grant5 years 24(1)
ISRIndependent Personal Services182 daysno limit16
ISRTeaching and Research2 years (doesn't apply if other treaty article, 24(1), was used during immediately preceding period)no limit23
ISRStudying and Training5 years$3000 limit24(1)
ItalyITAIndependent Personal Servicesno limitno limit14(1)
ITATeaching and Research2 yearsno limit20
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
JamaicaJAMIndependent Personal Services89 days$5000 limit14
JAMTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit (May only use exemption once)22
Japan JPNIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit17
JPNTeaching and Research2 years from date of arrivalno limit20
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
Korea, Republic ofKORScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit21(1)
KORIndependent Personal Services182 days$3000 limit18
KORTeaching and Research2 years from date of arrivalno limit20
KORStudying and Training5 years beginning with taxable year that includes arrival date$2000 limit21(1)
KORIf previously used student category and now using Teaching or Research category, without leaving the US, then total of combined treaty time limits of both categories cannot exceed 5 calendar years.
KORIf previously used student category but left and re-established residency in home country before re-entering as a teacher or researcher, then each category can be used independently of each other for a total combination of 5 calendar years plus 2 years from date of arrival.
KazakhstanKAZScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit19(1)
KAZIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
KyrgyzstanKGZSee Commonwealth of Independent States
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
LatviaLVAScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit20
LVAIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
LVAStudying and Training
(income from personal services)
5 years$5000 limit20
LithuaniaLTUScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit20
LTUIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
LTUStudying and Training
(income from personal services)
5 years$5000 limit20
LuxembourgLUXIndependent Personal Servicesno limit 15
LUXTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit21(2)
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
MaltaMLTIndependent Personal Services no limit7 (Business Profits Article)
MLTStudying and Training $9000 limit20
MexicoMEXIndependent Personal Services182 daysno limit14
MoroccoMARScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit18
MARIndependent Personal Services182 days$5000 limit14
MARStudying and Training5 years$2000 limit18
MoldovaMDASee Commonwealth of Independent States
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
NetherlandsNLDScholarship or fellowship grant3 yearsno limit22
NLDIndependent Personal Servicesno limitno limit15
NLDTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit 21
NLDBenefits cannot be claimed if Student/trainee benefits were enjoyed Exemption is lost if the individual overstays the period
NLDStudying and Trainingno limit$2000 limit22
New Zealand NZLIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
NorwayNORScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit16(1)
NORIndependent Personal Services182 daysno limit13
NORTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit15
NORStudying and Training5 years beginning with the taxable year that includes date of arrival ***$2000 limit16(1)
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
PakistanPAKTeaching only2 yearsno limitXII **
PAKStudying and Training $5000 limitXIII(1)
PAKMust be here only as students or recipients of grants etc see publ 901
PhilippinesPHLScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit22(1)
PHLIndependent Personal Services89 days$10,000 limit15
PHLTeaching and Research2 years (invited for no more than two years)no limit21
PHLStudying and Training5 years beginning with the taxable year that includes arrival date ***$3000 limit22(1)
PolandPOLScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit18(1)
POLIndependent Personal Services182 daysno limit15
POLTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit17
POLStudying and Training5 years beginning with the taxable year that includes arrival date ***$2000 limit18(1)
PortugalPRTScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit23(1)
PRTIndependent Personal Services182 daysno limit15
PRTTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit 22
PRTBenefits cannot be claimed if Student/Trainee benefits were enjoyed Exemption can be claimed one time only
PRTStudying and Training5 years$5000 limit23(1)
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
RomaniaROMScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit20(1)
ROMIndependent Personal Services182 daysno limit14
ROMTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit19
ROMStudying and Training5 years beginning with the taxable year that includes arrival date ***$2000 limit20(1)
RussiaRUSScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit18
RUSIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit13
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
Slovak RepublicSVKScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit21(1)
SVKIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
SVKTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit21(5)
SVKStudying and Training5 years$5000 limit21(1)
SloveniaSVNScholarship or fellowship grant5 years+no limit20(1)
SVNIndependent Personal Services no limit14
SVNTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit20(3)
SVNStudying and Training
Compensation during training
5 years+ additional period necessary to complete postgraduate education$5000 limit20(1)
South AfricaZAFIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
SpainESPScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit22(1)
ESPIndependent Personal Services no limit15
ESPStudying and Training5 years$5000 limit less the current year IRS annual personal exemption amount22(1)
SwedenSWEIndependent Personal Services no limit14
SwitzerlandCHEIndependent Personal Services no limit14
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
TajikistanTJKSee Commonwealth of Independent States
ThailandTHAScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit22
THAIndependent Personal Services89 days$10,000 limit15
THATeaching and Research2 yearsno limit23 (Exemption is lost retroactively if the 2 year period is exceeded)
THAStudying and Training5 years$3000 limit22
Trinidad & TobagoTTOScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit19(1)
TTOIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit17
TTOTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit18
TTOStudying and Training5 years$5000 limit19(1)
TunisiaTUNScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit20
TUNIndependent Personal Services183 days$7500 limit14
TUNStudying and Training5 years$4000 limit20
TurkeyTURIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
TurkmenistanTKMSee Commonwealth of Independent States
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
UkraineUKRScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit20
UKR(5 year limit applies to training and research only if scholarship is for studying then no time limit)
UKRIndependent Personal Services no limit14
United KingdomGBRIndependent Personal Services183 daysno limit14
GBRTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit20
GBRIf the 2 year period is exceeded, the exemption is lost for the entire visit (including 2 year period), interest and penalties will be assessed for the original date of the return to the date the tax is paid
UzbekistanUZBSee Commonwealth of Independent States
CountryPeopleSoft Country CodeTreaty Category (links to affidavit)Maximum Presence in U.S.Maximum Amount of CompensationTax Treaty Article Number
VenezuelaVENScholarship or fellowship grant5 yearsno limit21(1)
VENIndependent Personal Services no limit14
VENTeaching and Research2 yearsno limit21(3)
VENStudying and Training5 years$5000 limit21(1)
U of M Office of Human Resources

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