How to Write a Stewardship Letter

write a stewardship letter

write a stewardship letter

The new year is an ideal time for thanking your online donors for all their support and help. It is the perfect time to reconnect, communicate with, and update your donors about church missions. Unfortunately, many ministry leaders don’t know how to write a Stewardship Letter.

In this article, let’s go over what a Stewardship Letter is, and how to write it.

What is Stewardship Letter?

Let’s start with the basics for a refresher on stewardship letters. But first of all, what is a Stewardship Letter? The Bible talks a lot about stewards, and there are several parables Jesus told about stewards.

In the old days, this referred to a person who was steward over, or responsible for, a part of the wealth. As Christians, we believe that the world and universe belong to God, the overall Steward. As his workers, we are also responsible to manage the earth well, to take care of it, just as Adam did in the garden of Eden.

“And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” The drive to “serve the garden in which we have been placed” (also Genesis 2:15)

Here are a few more Scriptures to remind you of what the Word says on the subject:

We also use Stewardship as a term that refers to church members, deacons, or even donors who give a portion of their income to God—whether that be their time and service, or financial gifts and offerings.

So, a Stewardship letter is essentially a letter from the church thanking those who have been “faithful” stewards, and commending them for their service and contribution.

First Step in How to Write a Stewardship Letter: Cordial Address

“Dear Members” or “Dear Members and Friends,” or “Dear Friends and Supporters” is a good way to address the Stewardship Letter

Open With Thanks

A typical Stewardship Letter will begin with thanking everyone in general who has given their support and donations, in whatever form. Remember that not all members will give monetary help, but you need to acknowledge everyone still.

For example, volunteers, staffers, deacons, and even childcare workers. Mention those who were a major part of the projects you worked on recently.

A Recap of the Past Year Events

In the second paragraph, go into a recap of the most important events that the church had. These could be major outreach programs, or online events if this was something you launched in 2020.

It could also be a time to express how you had to move into a transition period and change your regular church approach, because of the pandemic. If you began any new ministries or tried a new technology for the management of the church, this is a good time to review those highlights.

An Introduction to the New Year Church Vision

Next, you want to go over any plans for the new year—in general, not detailed yet. Outline or have a bullet-point list of the highlights for your 2021 missions and goals.

If you are making a general announcement, you could let them know that more details will follow for those interested in signing up to the newsletter (with a link to your online bulletin).

A Call for Donations

After showing what the church plans to accomplish in the new year, give a rundown of the budget necessary to accomplish it. Breakdown the finances necessary for this, and ask for volunteers and anyone who would like to be a part of the church missions to get in touch.

Remember, you don’t have to put people on the spot or make this part drawn out. A simple, “Please let us know how you would like to help the church this year” will suffice.

Closing Thoughts, Prayers, Scripture

To close the Stewardship Letter, thank them one last time, then add any inspirational last notes. This could be a prayer for the new year, a favorite Bible verse you would like to share; even a poem.

End the letter on a light, positive note. There are probably a lot of stewards and donors who have had a rough time this last year, so you want to shine a little light and hope on their hearts to end.

The final reminder of how to connect and contact you would be a referral to your website and phone numbers. Let them know that the church doors are always open, that you are taking prayer requests, and that you are there to serve them.

If you need templates to help when learning how to write a Stewardship Letters and other helpful resources, we have a treasure chest full of digital goods on DonorWerx. Contact us today to find out how you and your church can benefit!