Joint Accounts Sample Clauses

Joint Accounts. If any of your accounts accessed under this Agreement are joint accounts, all joint owners, including any authorized users, shall be bound by this Agreement and, alone and together, shall be responsible for all EFT transactions to or from any share and share draft or loan accounts as provided in this Agreement. Each joint account owner, without the consent of any other account owner, may, and is hereby authorized by every other joint account owner, make any transaction permitted under this Agreement. Each joint account owner is authorized to act for the other account owners, and the Credit Union may accept orders and instructions regarding any EFT transaction on any account from any joint account owner.

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Joint Accounts. If this is a joint account, each of you will be individually and jointly responsible for paying all amounts owed under this Agreement. This means that the Credit Union can require any one of you individually to repay the entire amount owed under this Agreement. Each of you authorizes the other(s) to make purchases or cash advances individually. Any one of you may terminate the account and the termination will be effective as to all of you.

Joint Accounts. An account owned by two or more persons is a joint account.

Joint Accounts. If this is a joint Account, You agree to be jointly and severally liable, under the terms of this Agreement. You understand that any Account access device that is requested and approved will be mailed only to the primary accountholder at the address that We have for You on file. We may refuse to follow any instructions which run counter to this provision. DELAYED FUNDS AVAILABILITY NOTICE. Subject to Our Delayed Funds Availability Policy, deposits made at Cobalt Credit Union locations may not be posted to Your Account until they are received and verified by Us. All deposited items are removed from machines each business day. We are not responsible for delays in deposit posting due to improper identification on the deposit envelope. See Our Funds Availability Policy Disclosure for Our policy regarding the availability of Your deposits. ISSUANCE OF PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AND ACCESS CODES. You will be issued separate Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) to be used in conjunction with ATM and Debit Card transactions and separate Access Codes to be used in conjunction with C.U. By Phone and C.U. At Home Online transactions. Your use of Your PIN or Access Code is Your authorization to Us to withdraw funds from Your Share Account or Your Share Draft Account to cover such transactions. TYPES AND LIMITATIONS OF SERVICES ATM CARD AND DEBIT CARD TRANSACTIONS. You may use Your Card in conjunction with Your PIN in ATMs and/or such other machines or facilities as We may designate to: (a) make deposits to Your Share or Share Draft Account(s); (b) withdraw cash from Your Share or Share Draft Account(s); (c) transfer funds between Your Share and Share Draft Accounts; and (d) learn the balances in Your deposit Accounts that You have with Us. You may also use Your Card to make Point of Sale (POS) withdrawals from Your Share Draft Account and to purchase goods and services at any location where the Card is accepted. If You do use Your Card for such transactions, You authorize Us to withdraw funds up to the available balance of Your Account(s) to cover any such transactions, provided You have available funds.

Joint Accounts. Each of you will be responsible, jointly and severally, for the repayment of amounts owed, regardless of who initiated any transaction under the account.

Joint Accounts. If the New Account Application indicates that the Account shall consist of more than one person, the Customer's obligations under this Agreement shall be joint and several. References to the "Customer" shall include each of the customers identified on the New Account Application. You may rely on transfer or other instructions from any one of the Customers in a joint account, and such instructions shall be binding on each of the Customers. You may deliver securities or other property to, and send confirmations; notices, statements and communications of every kind, to any one of the Customers, and such action shall be binding on each of the Customers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you are authorized in your discretion to require joint action by the joint tenants with respect to any matter concerning the joint account, including but not limited to the giving or cancellation of orders and the withdrawal of money or securities. In the case of Tenants by the Entirety accounts, joint action will be required for all matters concerning the joint account. Tenants by Entirety is not recognized in certain jurisdictions, and, where not expressly allowed, will not be a permitted designation of the account.

Joint Accounts. Joint account customers agree, that the signatories, jointly and severally, have the authority on behalf of the account to do all acts and have all rights, responsibilities and obligations that an individual account holder may have. Joint account customers, jointly and severally, agree that each joint account customer will have authority on behalf of the account to buy, sell and otherwise deal in securities; to receive on behalf of the joint account demands, notices, confirmations, reports, statements of account, and communications of every kind; and to deal with the financial professional on behalf of the joint account as fully and completely as if the Customer alone were interested in the account. This may all be done without notice to others interested in the account. Your Financial Professional is authorized to follow the instructions of any of the account holders in every respect concerning the joint account. In the event of deliveries of securities or payments to any of the joint account parties, your Financial Professional will be under no duty or obligation to inquire into those deliveries or payments. Joint authority will remain in force until your Financial Professional receives written notice of revocation. Your Financial Professional, however, is authorized, at the account holders’ discretion, to require joint account action by the joint tenants with respect to any matter concerning the joint account. If the Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship box has been marked, on the death of any account holder, the deceased party’s ownership of the account passes to the surviving account holders. The liability with respect to said account shall be joint and several. All property shall be subject to a lien in the financial professional’s favor for the discharge of the obligations owed the financial professional. It is understood that the lien be in addition to and not in substitution of the rights and remedies the financial professional would otherwise have. It is further agreed that the estate of any of the account holders who have died will be liable, and each survivor will continue to be liable, jointly and severally, to the financial professional for any net debit balance resulting from transactions initiated prior to the receipt by the financial professional of the written notice of the death, incurred in the liquidation of the account, or the adjustment of the interests of the respective parties.

Joint Accounts. In addition to the conditions listed in Clause 9 in the paragraph entitled “Authority” with regards to joint Account holders, the following additional conditions apply. Where your trading Account held with The Company, is jointly owned by two or more beneficiaries:

Joint Accounts. Each Borrower will be responsible, jointly and severally, for the repayment of any amounts owed. If any Account access device, such as a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is requested and approved, You understand that any such Account access device(s) will be mailed only to the primary Borrower at the address that We have on file for You. We may refuse to follow any instructions which run counter to this provision. MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENTS (PAYMENT SCHEDULE). Though You need only pay the Minimum Monthly Payments, You understand that You have the right to repay at any time without penalty. You also understand that You will only be charged periodic Finance Charges to the date You repay Your entire balance. You may make larger payments without penalty. Any partial payment or prepayment will not delay Your next scheduled payment. All payments to Us must be in lawful money of the United States. We may apply each payment to whichever Feature Category We wish. For all Feature Categories (except MasterCard), payments will be applied first to any Late Charges owing, then to the Finance Charge due, then to the outstanding principal balance. Except as required by law, We may apply MasterCard payments in an order of Our choosing. Any unpaid portion of the Finance Charge will be paid by subsequent payments and will not be added to Your principal balance. You understand that any delay in the repayment of Your unpaid balance will increase Your periodic Finance Charges and any acceleration in the repayment of Your unpaid balance will decrease Your periodic Finance Charges. Overdraft Line of Credit Minimum Monthly Payments will be an amount equal to 5.00% of Your Credit Limit, subject to the lesser of $25.00 or Your balance. MasterCard Secured, and MasterCard Platinum Minimum Payments will be an amount equal to 2.00% of Your new unpaid MasterCard Secured, or MasterCard Platinum balance at the end of each billing cycle, subject to the lesser of $15.00 or Your balance, plus any portion of the Minimum Payments shown on prior statement(s) which remains unpaid, plus any amount that exceeds Your approved Credit Limit. You may, by separate agreement, authorize Us to charge Your payment directly to Your share or share draft account. LATE CHARGE (EXCEPT MASTERCARD). If Your payment is more than 10 days past due, You will be charged $15.00. FINANCE CHARGES (EXCEPT MASTERCARD). A Finance Charge will be assessed on any unpaid principal balance for each Feature Category of Your Acco.

Joint Accounts. Members should plan carefully and completely when choosing to enter into a joint account relationship. If two (2) or more parties have signed a Signature Membership Application, you are creating, and intend to create, a “joint tenancy with rights of survivorship.” That is, you as the owners of the account agree with yourselves and the Credit Union that all sums paid in Savings or other deposits (as applicable), together with all accumulations, prior to now or hereafter, less set-offs as allowed by law for any sums due the Credit Union by any party, shall be owned by all of you jointly with full right of survivorship, and shall be subject to withdrawal or receipt by any of you in whole or in part. Payment to (i) any of you or (ii) the survivor(s) of you, or (iii) the personal representatives, administrators, fiduciaries, or assigns of the last survivor of you, shall be valid and discharge the Credit Union from any liability for such payment and amount. Each account owner appoints all other account owners to be his or her irrevocable attorney; to make deposits to the account; to endorse for cash or deposit any checks or other items whether payable to one of the account owners alone or with others; and to receive a receipt for all funds all without obligation to us to inquire into the source or application of funds. To induce us to act thereunder, each person signing the Membership Application jointly or singly agrees to hold the Credit Union harmless and indemnify us from loss, cost, and damage in all respects in connection with any of the foregoing, including court costs and attorneys’ fees, except as may be limited by applicable law. Any or all of the account owners may pledge all or part of the Savings or deposits in the account as collateral for security on a loan(s). No authority or obligation of the Credit Union may be changed or terminated by one or more of the account owners without prior written notice to the Credit Union, and no such change or termination shall affect transactions already made. Further, each account owner is subject to the terms and disclosures of this Agreement, and hereby acknowledges receipt of the Agreement. We may refuse to authorize a withdrawal from a joint account when we have knowledge of a dispute between the joint account owners until the matter is resolved. If a deposited item in a joint account is returned unpaid, the account is overdrawn, or if the Credit Union does not receive final payment on a transaction, the owne.