House Party Walkthrough Guide (100% Achievements)

This 3D adventure game is filled with exciting stories and has a lively atmosphere that encourages players to party as they please. House Party focuses on giving players the freedom to choose, and its exceptional AI and scripting system allows the game to adapt to your choices. Every time you play, you can expect to encounter new and unique content, with hundreds of different stories, side-quests, and narratives, as well as thousands of branching stories and dynamic elements available. The game is continuously updated with new content, making it even more expansive and engaging. When starting a new game, the possibilities are endless, and your decisions are what shape the outcome. This article contains a House Party walkthrough guide on Steam for 100% achievements.

House Party Walkthrough Guide

Game Setup/ Smooth operator: Madison Start the game as female Talk to Madison I’m Brittney’s friend. She invited me over to bring her a shirt. It’s really sweet that you care about your friends so much. Talk to Brittney in the study You know I’d do anything for you. Why do you need this shirt anyways? Your t!ts look banging! There are two random events including Rachael Slapping Patrick and Amy hurting her toe if you see this before talking to Rachael you should answer like this. Patrick’s dialogue doesn’t matter you have only one option. You can rush to say nice to meet you to her for more boost (not sure). Be free and save regularly under under a random name I’ll tell you if you need to save something specific with the format same as the text below: Save Branch When talking to Rachael It’s cool, but why’d you get all Jerry Springer on him? Talk to Ashley You’re Madison’s sister? I never would have guessed. You’re way hotter than she is! Ashley! So are you the co-host of this party? See you later, Ashley! Click on Ashley’s top from behind and click secure Talk to Leah only face to face Talk to Rachael Nice to meet you Rachael! We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run. Talk to Stephanie Nice to meet you Stephanie! You look like you’re having fun Hmm. I’ll see what I can do. What’s in it for me though? I’ll see you around, Stephanie. Talk to Katherine I feel like we use the word “need” outside of its intended purpose. Always a pleasure, Katherine. Talk to Patrick if you haven’t seen the slap already. Otherwise the dialogue might change. What can I do to help? Talk to Amy Hey Amy. It’s nice to meet you! You look pretty pensive. What’s on your mind? I could help you out. I’m awesome at finding things! Talk to Amy again Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Go to them room with liquor cabinet and open the right drawer under the pc, when Madison and Derek are not near, take the Credit Card. Give the Credit Card to Amy Talk to Amy Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Talk to Frank I’m completely sober! Talk to Frank again Hey Frank, Do you have a Condom I can have? Give the Condom to Amy Talk to Amy Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Talk to Derek She’s not the only one looking great tonight. Are those abs I see under that shirt? Talk to Derek again Can you give me your shirt? It’s for something really important. Yes they do! In fact I saw a petition going around! Madison will find you to tell you something I have so, so, so many questions. Who taught you about Sky Animals? What’s your Sky Animal? I think I hear Brittney calling me. Talk to you later, Madison. Go to them room with liquor cabinet and click on the monitor and select create a petition. then click on the printer and select print petition and on the petition and select take. you have to lie a little to get Derek’s shirt. Talk to Frank Hey Frank, will you sign my petition? It’s for re-establishing prohibition. Talk to Katherine Hey Katherine will you sign my petition? It’s to castrate all men so they can think more clearly. Talk to Stephanie Hey Stephanie! You’ll sign my petition, right? Oh it’s just a signature contest. Best-looking signature wins. Talk to Patrick Hey Patrick, would you be interested in signing my petition? It’s one of those surprise petitions. We mail you the results and you find out what you supported. you can tell ask Amy, Ashley, Leah, Madison and Rachael to sign and tell them the truth. Three out of five will do. Give the Petition to Derek Give Derek’s Shirt to Amy Talk to Amy Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Go to the Spare room upstairs and take Pencil Go to the Study room and take Paper. Under the desk you can find a Natty lite pick it up. You may wanna crouch (c) to take it. Go to the upstairs master bedroom and use Paper with Gastronomy book and then use Pencil with the book. Take Paper again. You can take the Natty lite on the bookshelf near bathroom door too Go to the Master bedroom Closet and open the safe away from Madison (If she’s in the room close the closet doors) and take Madison’s Diary. We did this so that after the branch we won’t have to do this again And at last go the bathroom and take the Painkillers behind the door. You can also take Madison’s phone from the sink for future. If Rachael comes to you just answer: Oh, I’m just trying to get his booze, that’s all. Give Painkillers to Patrick. Talk to Ashley So about Madison’s Sky Animal… I don’t think that’s what a furry is. Madison just wants to be unique, you know? Go to upstairs master bedroom and select knock on the bathroom door and after dialogue open the door Talk to Madison It wasn’t like that, Madison. We were all just trying to understand you better. Madison, I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, really, but this whole Sky Animal thing…comes off as a bit silly. That’s fine! But you don’t have to go that far to get people to notice and like you. Just be you. People like real you. That’s what all of us are trying to do. Everybody on the planet is trying to figure their sh!t out. It’ll happen. Smooth Operator: Madison The main branching happens after this so go ahead and save something like Branch 1 A Friend in Need… Give Brittney’s Shirt to Brittney You can go in the small bathroom for a little bonus 😀 [[i]h1]A Friend in Need…[/h1][/i] Love Conquers All Continues after last section Talk to Brittney Last time we hung out, you told me you were single. Still looking? Thanks for extending an invitation to me tonight. And it seems like you’re enjoying yourself! You don’t really strike me as the house party kind of person. Tell me something about yourself I don’t know yet. Tell me more about this secret someone you have your eye on. Ciao Bella! Save Branch 2 Talk to Brittney Again I’m just going to come out and say it: I like you. Give me a chance and I can show you something special. Do you like what you’ve seen? Oh really? What did you like? (Optional you will select the other eventually) I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Shall we take this to the bedroom? go with her to the master bedroom Talk to Brittney Again Enough good girl, time to be a little bad. After the scene you should get Love conquers all you can repeat these shenanigans if you want but for now, guide must go on! The Crush/ The Crush(es)/ Amy: Scavenger Hunt/ Ashly: Smooth Operator Load Branch 2 Talk to Derek What’s Amy’s deal? She’s kinda cute. Hey, any idea if Brittney has a crush on anyone at the party? Later Derek. Talk to Brittney I did some sleuthing and I have a suspicion about who you might have a crush on. Is it Amy? You two would be great together. Let me help you! Talk to Leah Do you know anything about Amy? Talk to Ashley Do you know anything about Amy? Talk to Amy That song that’s playing reminds me of this one Panic! at the Disco song… To be honest, they’re good, but not my favorite. Talk to Brittney I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy. She loves the band Panic! At the Disco. You should ask her about them. You can follow her when she goes to talk to Amy after that she’ll talk to you Talk to Brittney again I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy. Amy is trying to join a sorority because she’s worried about fitting in. Follow her again for some dialogue and then she’ll come to you again Talk to Brittney again I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy. Amy misses home, especially backyard fires in the fall. Follow her, Again! When Brittney Comes to you You crushed it! I’ll work on getting us another clue about Amy. Save Branch 3 here Now you need to complete Amy: Scavenger Hunt Give Madison’s phone to Madison when Ashley is not around So is there a reward for returning your phone? I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order. Hells to the yeah Mads! How do we get started? Got it! Pick up the Natty light behind the microwave in the kitchen when Leah isn’t around. Go to Madison and select throw beer when she’s not in the tub Ashley will come to you after dialogue talk to her again Tell me about the guests of the evening, Ashley. Tell me more about your friends Yeah, Brittney and I are really close. She’s a cool chick. Talk to Ashley again Are you ok? You seem a little distracted. What can I do to help you out with the unfortunate beer “accident”? If it’s any consolation at all, wet clothes and all, you’re still adorable! See you later Ashley! Go to the downstairs bathroom and take Towel Give the Towel to Ashley I could wash them for you! Talk to Ashley again So I think I’ve earned your trust. Let me help you clean those clothes before they stain. Follow her to the spare room and close the door Talk to Ashley again Ok, looks like we’re all alone here. Just give me your dress and I’ll get it in the washing machine. Talk to Ashley again Your panties look like they’re soaked too. Want me to throw them into the wash for you too? Get out of the room and close the door you should wash Ashley’s Clothes so she can get back to party. Go to laundry room and use Ashley’s Clothes with the washer. while it’s washing, go to Amy Give Ashley’s panties to Amy Talk to Amy Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Joining a sorority can open a lot of doors for you. I’d do what they ask. It’s just harmless fun, right? Talk to Amy again Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Go to the laundry room take the clothes from washer and put them in dryer. Talk to Brittney So how about we relax in the hot tub for a bit? When Brittney’s in tub talk to Amy Now’s your chance! Brittney’s in the hot tub with American flag underwear on! She’ll go to the tub and take picture after that: Talk to Amy again Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Go to the laundry room and take Ashley’s Clean Clothes then go to the spare room Give Ashley’s Clean Clothes to Ashley Talk to Ashley I’d like to see your room. Sit on the couch Ashley will talk to you What about the guitar? And the whiteboard? This should get you Ashly: Smooth Operator after the cutscene . Talk to Madison You look like a “Goodbye Kitty” fan if I’ve ever seen one. My sister was a huge fan. I know one when I see one. I’ll be sure to let my sister know she’s not the only one in town! She’ll go to the garage just talk to her and say you saw Patrick sticking s.hit down his pants and then go to garage. select the orange bin under motor oil and rummage Give Goodbye kitty underwear to Amy away from Madison Follow her for moral support 😀 Talk to Amy again Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Fcck yeah, I’ll get naked right here if you want me to. Talk to Brittney So how about we relax in the hot tub for a bit? Talk to Brittney after she’s in the tub Know what would make these bubbles feel even better? Bare skin. And…I could join you! Ciao Bella! Talk to Amy Brittney will get naked in the hot tub if you do it first. Let’s go hang out in the hot tub. I’ve got a plan. If it doesn’t work just talk to Brittney and get her to the tub again and repeat Amy’s last dialogue Follow Amy to the tub take off everything with ‘E’ and sit in tub’s sit Talk to Amy when she’s in the tub Amy, Truth or Dare? Where is your favorite place to be kissed? Talk to Brittney Brittney, truth or dare? Tell us about a secret crush you’ve had in the past. Continue this without using Amy’s Rule the world and Brittney’s YouTube Video Until Brittney chooses dare I dare you to take your top off. Talk to Amy Amy, Truth or Dare? Dare you to take off your top! Talk to Brittney I’ve got a dare for both of you – let’s have a threesome upstairs.(If you don’t get it dare them to take their bottoms off and then try) Go to the spare room upstairs and enjoy. You will get both The Crush and The Crush(es) after cutscene. Talk to Amy Hey why did you run off from the hot tub? We were just starting to have a good time! Well, if it’s turning you on, it sounds like maybe you enjoy it? Fcck that voice! You shouldn’t be ashamed to be yourself! After the Dialogue, you’ll get Amy: Scavenger Hunt The Crush (Alternative) Do it IF you didn’t get The Crush in last section. Load branch 3 Talk to Brittney I think I’ve got some useful info about Amy. I think we’ve laid enough groundwork. Ready to step up to the plate and take a big swing? Follow her, for the last time hopefully When Brittney comes Any chance I can watch? Go to the spare room and select hide inside on the closet. Enjoy the Scissor action. After Brittney talks to you, you will get The Crush Rule 34 Load Branch 1 Go to the art room upstairs if you haven’t and inspect the painting you should get a pop up Talk to Madison So is that like, your secret art lair upstairs? Wow, you’re so individualistic! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE. Talk to Madison Again Can you give me any clues into what kind of art you’d like to see? Go to the garage. There’s a blue Penguin Inspect it. Now go back to the kitchen and get the Salami from the fridge. Finally go to living room. Left to the fireplace there’s a Foam finger behind a speaker. Get it too. Talk to Ashley So what’s up with that penguin in the garage? You mind if I take it? Go to the garage, close the door and remove everything (E) select Dusty penguin and insert.. Achievement should pop Rule 34 Host Hijinks Starts after last section Take the penguin, put on your clothes and Go to the spare room and select whale poster and take the Whale Poster and the Dildo under the pillow Talk to Brittney You’re just gonna stay up here all night? Ciao Bella! Talk to Kathrine What do you think of Stephanie? I notice you keep looking at your phone. Is everything ok? Who would ever be a d!ck to you, ever? I could use a drink. Want me to grab you one? Talk to Kathrine again What kind of drinks do you like? For being a d!ck, that boyfriend sure has you plastered to your phone. Save under Branch 1 this is for muse achievements Now go to Master bedroom and use Penguin with the dresser under the tv then use the Salami, Foam finger and Whale poster on the penguin. For this achievement you should lose the contest and the salami will make you lose. Talk to Madison I’m ready to show you my creation. Go to the master bedroom and wait for others Derek will talk to you No really, I lost on purpose. Talk to Derek again Madison really loves her mind games, huh? Has she messed with you a lot before? Talk to Amy Have you heard anything about Derek’s missing cat? Talk to Stephanie Steph, earlier tonight did Derek break down and talk to you about a cat or something? Inspect the cat picture on the dresser near Stephanie and then select move aside. Open Inventory (I) and inspect the Recorder and select play. Then go outside and inspect the mud behind the tub,select search and get Collar. Give the Collar to Derek Get the Mysterious Key in the kitchen next to microwave on the green thing Save under Branch 4 Give the Mysterious Key to Derek If you’re going to do this, you need to send the perfect person to barge in on her. Stephanie, I’m sure Mads won’t be as upset. Go to the master bedroom and get the Sleeping mask in the drawer in left nightstand when Madison’s not around Give the Sleeping mask to Derek Let’s do it. When Derek gets back to you go talk to Stephanie Madison said she needed you when you get a minute. She’s upstairs in her bedroom. Go upstairs and talk to Derek We are a go for Operation: Madison Is About To Be Caught Tits Out At Her Own Party. Open the door slowly and go to the closet without running. After Derek talks to you Stephanie will come up. You’ll get the Achievement Eventually Host Hijinks Hijinks Averted Load Branch 4 Give the Mysterious key to Derek That might be a bit much. You shouldn’t do this Derek. Don’t stoop to her level. You’re better than this I’m glad I came over too. What do you say we take this to the master bedroom? Go to the master bedroom and wait for Derek Talk to Derek Ready when you are, baby. You’ll get the achievement Hijinks Averted after the cutscene Howz It Goin Dood Load Branch 1 Go to Master bedroom and use Dusty Penguin with the dresser under the TV then use the Dildo, Foam finger and Whale poster on the penguin. For this achievement you should win the contest and the dildo will do it. Talk to Madison I’m ready to show you my creation. Go to the master bedroom and wait for others After the dialogues Madison will ask you to take Patrick out of the room. Talk to Patrick Go to Stephanie and Patrick will leave you there. Now go to master bedroom Talk to Derek 3 times. At the third time Derek, there’s gotta be something I can do. Hell no, not true! Save under Branch 5 Stand nearest to master bedroom door so you can run away fast. Also run downstairs and outside Talk to Derek again Okay Okay, Derek! I admit it, I’m only doing this to get into her pants! Madison will talk to you. After the cutscene just run away from Frank until you get Howz It Goin Dood Snapped Load Branch 5 Talk to Amy Hey Amy, you close enough with Derek to know what might be up his ass right now? Talk to Stephanie Steph, earlier tonight did Derek break down and talk to you about a cat or something? Inspect the cat picture then select move aside to get the Voice Recorder. Now go outside and inspect the mound of dirt behind hot tub. After that select the dirt again and search to get the Collar to pop out. Select it and take it. Talk to Ashley You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this cat collar I found buried in the backyard, would you? Ashley, Stephanie told me you were crying over the mound where I found the collar. Fess up. We’re talking about a life here! A little furry life! Tell me what happened! Untie Ashley’s top from behind. After a moment Kathrine will talk to you. You’ll get a Tiny Key. Go to the spare room and use the Tiny Key with the lock on the left closet. Open the closet door and inspect the terrarium Talk to Ashley Hey, I’m really sorry that I untied your top… I know it was. It was really immature of me. Can I make it up to you? Talk to Ashley again Why do you keep a FCCK!NG ANACONDA in your room?! Save Branch 6 Talk to Ashley again So now that I’ve seen your snake…I have to ask. …aaannnd consider me warmed. No need for backroom deals, I’m sold! Talk to Derek I know you’re mad at me but we have to talk about Purgalicious. That’s exactly what I’m saying. You’ve caught the killer without even knowing it! You’ll get the achievement after Derek goes mad, You can follow him to see what does he do. Snapped Muse: Madison Load Branch 6 Open Inventory (I) and select Voice Recorder then play. Then select it again and select loop. Now go to the art room and use the Voice Recorder with the window. Wait Until Derek goes outside. After he climbs the gutter select the window and lock it. Madison will talk to you My perfect figure is more important. Hell yes I am! You shall look upon my glorious curves and rejoice! Remove everything (E) Madison will talk to you again *Lay down…majestically* *Kneel…with dignity* Why did I have to be naked for this?! What gallery would want sky animals? Push (1) to play with yourself. Be careful not to fill the meter, stop and start. After Derek talks to you, put your clothes on and go downstairs and take both keys on the green thing next to the microwave. Save Branch 7 Go to Madison Madison will talk to you You got it! Lock the room and take off your clothes (E). After the dialogues select Madison and ♥♥♥♥ After the cutscene you’ll get Muse: Madison Muse: Derek Load Branch 7 Go to master bedroom Madison will talk to you Actually Madison… Honestly, I just wanted to be your model and help you complete your portfolio. Nothing More You’ll get Muse: Derek Derek will find you and talk to you. Save Branch 8 Duck n’ Weave Continues after you’ve saved Branch 8 You can get it here cause it’s easy. Talk to Derek You’re looking kind of bored. Let’s go hang somewhere else, huh? Let’s go hang out by the gazebo, stretch our legs and stuff. Go to Frank and punch him (Space and left click) after punching click space again and run to Derek and punch him too. Then run around the hot tub and don’t look back until achievement pops. You’ll get Duck n’ Weave Sucker Punch/ Ice Bath Load Branch 8 Talk to Patrick You should watch out for Frank. How the hell were you hiding that bottle of wine from Frank? Talk to Frank when Leah is not around So you’re just gonna sit here and guard all the alcohol, huh? What do you think about Katherine? Patrick’s got a bottle of wine! He’s been shoving it down his pants to hide it from you! Open the liquor cabinet door and when Frank’s away get the Rum.Now go to where Patrick is and take the Merlot when Frank or Leah aren’t around. Talk to Stephanie So you like helping people, huh? There’s got to be more to it than that. What do you do for work, Steph? And you’re a cook, I take it? I think that if you like doing it, then all the power to you. I take it you go to school with these folks. What are you studying? Have you ever considered a medical profession? Go to the master bedroom closet and take the Laxatives Save Branch 9 Now use the Laxatives with the Rum Away from Katherine Give the Tampered Rum to Katherine away from Leah and Frank When Katherine goes outside lock the downstairs bathroom. Meanwhile go outside to the right of the house and get the Fast Food Bag on the ground. Now wait for Katherine to shout and call Frank. Wait until Frank Breaks the door and falls: Save Branch 10 Go behind Patrick and Punch him until he drops. Then go behind Frank and punch him and run to Derek and punch him from behind. Be careful not to get too much to them otherwise they turn and look at you. After you’ve punched the three from behind you’ll get Sucker Punch and Ice Bath Stephanie/ Do You Smell Blood? Load Branch 10 Slap Frank awake You okay, Frank? So, Lazer Frank, do you think I could get some of that booze? Thanks dude! You should get Do You Smell Blood? Get the Vodka Bottle from liquor cabinet and use it with the faucet in the kitchen Talk to Stephanie Katherine’s really sick and she needs your help! Neither, she drank something that’s giving her the sh!ts! Follow her to Katherine and the upstairs to the art room Talk to Stephanie Give the Fast Food Bag to Stephanie Follow her to Katherine again Go to the master bedroom bathroom and get the Gut Grip beside the toilet. Then go downstairs and knock on the door. Again go to the upstairs art room and open the door. Talk to Stephanie What are you doing up here? You’re being weird. Go downstairs until you hear the dialogue. Now go to the art room door fast and kick open. Stephanie will talk to you What the hell are you doing? Stephanie! Stop this! After cutscene talk to Stephanie Right damn now. After this you’ll get Stephanie You can take her to somewhere empty and talk to her to see the cutscene. Party Pooper Load Branch 9 Use the Laxatives with the Rum Away from Katherine and drink it yourself. You should get Party Pooper La Coochadora/Simple Geometry Load Branch 9 Get the Whipped Cream from the fridge. Select the thermostat near the garage door and tamper. Give the Whipped Cream to Stephanie twice Talk to Stephanie So how do you know Madison? Katherine seems cool. So what do you think of Patrick? Talk to Ashley What do you think about Brittney? She’s the one that invited me here. I’m going to help her realize there’s no reason to stay cooped up tonight. Talk to Stephanie again So what do you say you liven up this party even more and dance topless? Talk to Brittney I got Stephanie to dance topless downstairs! Ashley will talk to you Go to the study and inspect the laptop. Select the laptop and unlock then inspect again and invite Lety. Wait for her to arrive. Talk to Lety Talk to Lety again The people wanna know…who IS Lety? Tell us everything. Tell me about these…er, tutoring materials. The talking fish. The hot peppers. The scorpion booze. These are ridiculous tutoring materials. Why didn’t you just bring flash cards? Wait for Ashley to talk to you and then for Leah and Lety to go outside. Save something like “Event 1” When Leah and Lety are in the corner move a bit close to them until you hear the conversation. Don’t get too close. After you hear the dialogue go in the hot tub and stand in the closest corner to Leah and Lety. Select the Wizbanger Poppers and throw one. Now look up to the tree behind Leah and Lety and aim higher than the top of the tree. Hold left click and try to throw at full power. If you succeed Leah will talk to Frank. If you can’t do it in time Leah will punch Lety and you should start from your last save. You’ll get Simple Geometry for sniping Leah Go to the Front door, Inspect Lety’s bag and unpack. Talk to Lety after opportunity is completed Save Branch 11 Talk to Lety again after a while You’re not just gonna let me loose without some kind of clue, right? You could at least give me a juice box or something… Yeah, it’s Ashley’s sister Madison! The chili peppers! Follow her to garage and wait. Talk to Lety again after a while Talk to Lety again There’s definitely something up with Madison and Derek…word is their nipples are exceptionally hard when they’re near each other. Follow her to Derek and grab Derek’s chest with right click. Patrick will talk to you After a while Lety will talk to you I bet she’ll love Sancho! Follow her to the study after their talk you’ll get La Coochadora Te Amo Lety/ The Elder Brahs Load Branch 11 Talk to Lety again after a while You’re not just gonna let me loose without some kind of clue, right? You could at least give me a juice box or something… Yeah, it’s Ashley’s sister Madison! The sh!t-talking fish! Follow her to garage and wait. Talk to Lety again after a while There’s definitely something up with Madison and Derek…word is their nipples are exceptionally hard when they’re near each other. Follow her to Derek and after their conversation grab Lety’s ass with right click. Patrick will talk to you After a while Lety will talk to you Definitely the chili peppers! Follow her to the study after their talk click on them and talk and enjoy the action. You may wanna remove your clothes for this. Now wait for Patrick to come. After he talks with Lety, approach Patrick from behind and select slip items into packet and select Mama hupacabra’s. You’ll get The Elder Brahs Talk to Lety Yeah, remember the host of the party? Her room’s free! Go to master bed room take off everything, Talk to Lety and then select her and Fcck. After Cutscene you’ll get Te Amo Lety Derezzed Continues after last section Wait for Lety to talk to Rachael. Save Branch 12 Wait for Rachael to talk. You have only one choice. This party must be destroyed! You have my bow…puccy. Bow-puccy. Follow them around and don’t do anything. After everyone’s out and the cutscene ends you’ll get Derezzed Benedict Brahrnold/ If at First You Don’t Succeed/ The Brahdyssey Load Branch 12 Rachael will talk to you Lety if you go along with this nonsense, everything you did tonight to make this your first awesome party…gone. Talk to Patrick So how do you know Madison? So maybe it’s time to tell me what’s up with you and Rachael? I’ve got nothing but time, friend. Off to a strong start Pat. Continue… Wow. Tubes. What a brah indeed. Uh huh, go on… What did the- -wow, okay. You really know your audience. Continue… Not surprised, for multiple reasons. Truly amazing, Patrick. So did you ever learn to um…read, and other basic stuff? It means to bribe them. Alright, I guess. You’ll get The Brahdyssey for your patience. Talk to Rachael So what’s up? Are you enjoying yourself at the party? Let me talk to him. I can figure this misunderstanding out. Talk to Frank when Leah and Patrick aren’t around Patrick called you an ass-licking fart monkey! Take all the alcohol including Thermos from liquor cabinet. Just make sure Leah isn’t around. Give the Thermos to Rachael away from Leah or Frank Frank doesn’t scare me. Have you seen my biceps? Frank will find you, but because you’re good friends with him he won’t suspect you. Talk to Rachael How do you know Madison? This is a video game. Just relax and roll with it. Hey do you think I could get your phone number so we can chat sometime? We’ll pick this up later. I’ve gotta run. Talk to Rachael Hey, any other ideas on how to make this party less lame-ass? The only thing that could make this party better is if Patrick wasn’t here. Nope, this is a first. Go to the master bedroom and select the penguin and remove items. Go to the top of stairs and select MP3 Player and then reach for it. You’ll get If at First You Don’t Succeed Now go to MP3 Player and select throw Dildo. Go downstairs and take Dildo and MP3 Player. Talk to Patrick So, the only thing Rachael seems to hate as much as you is Madison’s current music selection. Go to the liquor cabinet room and use the MP3 Player with media deck. Talk to Patrick I say Patrick, m’lady shall be full of joy o…fcck, you have me doing it now. How’s this for music? Talk to Rachael Hmm, well, thank you very much for this information…I mean education! Erm, yeah that’s basically what’s happening. Hey, I’m open to hearing all options. Alright I’ll think on it. And I’ll hold onto that thermos…for now. Get the Broom from art room closet. Go behind the gazebo. Inspect the Closed Briefcase and use the Broom with it. Save Branch 13 Give the Thermos to Patrick away from Leah and Frank Talk to Rachael Talk to Rachael again and follow her Select Ring and inspect it. Why don’t you help him out?! You have to keep going! You’re doing so good Wait for her to finish and get the key of his pen!s. Give the Ring to Rachael Now use the Ring with Closed Briefcase. Give the Opened Briefcase to Rachael You said I’d get whatever was in this case as a prize for helping. You’ll get Benedict Brahrnold A Striking Resemblance Load Branch 13 Talk to Patrick I’ve got some new intel. Rachael’s a huge tree hugger, dude. Describe this award you’re talking about. Go to the kitchen and Rummage the trash bin to get the Money Makers Monthly. Select it in inventory and peruse it. Talk to Rachel You may want to have a look at this…*Give Magazine* Talk to Patrick Pat, you won that award because you literally saved an entire village. Don’t give up man! Do you realize how much genuine good your other businesses do across the world? Follow Patrick Nice! That’s a good looking fcckpole. No wining, no dining. I don’t know Patrick…what’re you getting at? Couldn’t you jerk yourself off? Alright alright…let’s do this thing. I sure am, you grubby, disgusting fcck-hole! Your d!ck is the smallest d!ck I’ve ever seen! The only reason you’re at this party is because your sexy cousins HAD to invite your b!tch ass. You’ll never know the love of another person because you’re a parasitic piece of fcck! Erm, aborted as a ch-no, fcck that’s too dark… Hm…shirt…Bob Ross-no that’s sacred… You’re the reason we can’t be on Twitch. Now use the Ring with Closed Briefcase. Talk to Patrick and follow him after After their talk you’ll get A Striking Resemblance I’ll Be Back Continues after last section Select Open Compubruh and select poke boob. Compubruh will talk to you Cancel that sh!t or you die with me teabagging you, robot scum! Who…what are you? BUSINESS! *LIST ALL DONGHAUSER INDUSTRIES BUSINESSES AND THEIR SUBSIDIARIES* *NEXT ENTRY* *NEXT ENTRY* How do I update you to value human life more than a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ flower? You’ll get I’ll Be Back here. Rachael/ Now It’s a Party! Continues after last section (Save alt) Talk to Ashley What’s the deal with you and Madison anyway? Give the Madison’s Phone to Ashley away from Madison Maybe it is. What’s it to you? I’m intrigued. Go on. Count me in. What do you need me to do? Give the Madison’s Diary to Ashley away from Madison Open Inventory (I) and select Madison’s Phone and then go to contacts to get Vickie’s number. Talk to Katherine Do you know anything about hacking phones? Let’s say I wanted to spoof a text message. How would I hypothetically go about that? Talk to Patrick About that favor you owe me. Can I use your cell phone for a minute? Talk to Brittney Hey Patrick’s looking for his phone. You haven’t seen it, have you? Talk to Patrick Hey since you’re sober, do you think you can get your phone back from Brittney now? Give Patrick’s Phone to Katherine Follow her to the study Save Branch 14 Talk to Rachael You look a little nervous. Is something wrong? Trust me, I’ve heard it all. You can confide in me. Well, that sounds awesome. Your friend seems really cool. Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? Send it to Rachael. 555-4242. Send it from Vickie Vixen. Her number is 555-6969. “Dare you to tell the cutest person at the party you had a wet dream about him last night”. Go to Rachael. Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? “Dare you to say it’s hot and change into your bikini top”. Go to Rachael. You’ll get Now It’s a Party! here. Talk to Katherine Open the closet next to Katherine. You’ll see the router on the top shelf. Select it, turn off and turn on again. Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? “Dare you to flash your tits to the cutest person at the party”. Go to Rachael. Sure thing! Follow her and when she talks to you Wait, how does your friend know me? Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? “Dare you to dance in just your bikini”. Go to Rachael and follow her. Wait for her to finish. Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? “Dare you to get completely naked for the cutest person at the party for 30 seconds.” Go to Rachael. Sure thing! Follow her and when she talks to you. Well I mean, if it’ll help you win your bet. I suppose I can do that for you… Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? “Dare you to find somewhere private, then strip naked and masturbate” Go to Rachael. You can climb the gutter to watch. Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? “Dare you to fcck the cutest person at the party.” Go to Rachael. *Ahem* Listen, about all those texts, there’s something I need to tell you… ( If you don’t see it make sure master bedroom is empty and then talk to Rachael about last dare) Follow Rachael to master bedroom and lock the door behind you. After cutscene talk to Rachael and you’ll get Rachael NewComer: Vickie Load Branch 14 Talk to Katherine Can you send a spoofed text message for me? Hmm. Send it to 555-6969. Send it from Rachael. 555-4242. “Hey come to Madison’s party and help liven things up?” After a while you’ll get NewComer: Vickie Notice Me, Sensei/ Caught in the Act Continues after last section (Save alt) Talk to Vickie You must be Vickie Vixen! I’ve heard a lot about you! Rachael told me you’re a lot of fun! There are a lot of “good girls” here that need to let their guards down. And maybe a guy or two as well… After Talking to Vickie, you’ll get Social Butterfly Talk to Vickie again Alright, how can I prove to you that I’m worthy of your threesome magic? Hey baby…wanna wrestle? So do you come here often? You know, you have a really nice smile. Rachael will talk to you. Take the Flower on the ground near the gazebo. Go to the master bedroom bathroom and use the Flower with the blue hair dye. Give the Blue Flower to Ashley Talk to Derek So Brittney said I could ask you if I needed any help or advice since I’m new to the group. I’m almost there with Ashley, you got any more info I can use to gain some ground with her? Talk to Frank Umm. Hey Frank. You…um…::gulp:: got any pot? Talk to Stephanie So uh…do you want some help with that horniness? Um. Well for you, I’ll offer a discount. $50.00 Remove everything (E) and select Stephanie and Fcck. You’ll get Caught in the Act Move your mouse until Stephanie’s meter is full. After that put on your clothes. Talk to Stephanie again So can I get that $50 now? Give the Fifty Dollars to Frank Use the Marijuana with the Paper. Now use the Joint with the fireplace fire. Give the Lit Joint to Ashley Talk to Vickie I did it! Ashley says we’re square! Follow her to the hot tub. Remove your clothes and sit in hot tub by selecting a seat. Talk to Vickie Wow those really were the outlines of nipple rings under your shirt! Ok, I’m ready for the next part of my training! I submit to your tests…for science. Put on your clothes. Talk to Derek I’ve got a question for you. I need to figure out how to increase my endurance so I don’t too quickly. Talk to Frank Hey Frank, I really need some booze! It’s an emergency! I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later, Frank. Talk to Leah I bet you like to work out. So, what’s your story? How do you know everyone? Can I get you a drink? Talk to Derek Speaking of good friends, got any here yourself? What’s Amy’s deal? She’s kinda cute. Rough week? Is everything ok? Come buddy ol’ pal ol’…uh, buddy! …Yeah. Not gonna let this go. Talk to Amy That song that’s playing reminds me of this one Panic! at the Disco song… To be honest, they’re good, but not my favorite. You wouldn’t happen to know why Derek seems down, would you? See you, Amy. Talk to Derek Hey I heard what happened to your brother… We’re gonna make Derek and Patrick beat Frank and tell Leah and Vickie we did it ourselves. So Leah must not see this fight. Talk to Leah Leah! I’m scouting for threats, staying alert and sh!t. Wanna scout with me? Outside, near that tree in the yard. I think I saw a Karen spying on us over the fence! Talk to Derek away from Frank I’ve had enough Derek. Can you just kick Frank’s ass for me? Talk to Frank You wouldn’t happen to know anything about Derek’s little brother’s situation? I’m gonna go drink some orange juice. See you later, Frank. Talk to Derek away from Frank Frank’s the one who sold your brother the meth! Go to the study room and take the Flask from right drawer. Go downstairs and wait for the fight to finish and for the Derek to stand. If Leah moves away from tree repeat the scout dialogue. Talk to Derek Talk to Patrick Patrick! You’re just the person to help Derek beat up Frank! Give the Flask to Rachael away from Frank and Leah Give the Filled Flask to Patrick away from Frank and Leah Talk to Derek away from Leah Patrick’s gonna help you beat up Frank! Talk to Patrick away from Leah Ok Derek’s ready! Go fcck Frank up! Now’s a good time to get all the remaining Natty Lites. There’s one behind the microwave. Another in the garage. One in downstairs bathroom beside the toilet. And the last one in upstairs small bathroom behind the basket. Now go to a bathroom and Masturbate once. (Remove everything (E) and Masturbate (E)). Now Drink Natty Lites until you get a message that you’re ready. You should at least keep 6 Natty Lites. If you have less then just masturbate until you get the message. Talk to Vickie Hey so uh…wanna check out the hot tub and see where that takes us? Make sure Amy’s not outside. You can tell her to go upstairs with change scenery dialogue. Go to the hot tub remove everything and sit. Save Branch 15 Talk to Vickie Go ahead and test me again… Vickie will talk to you Fcck yeah I did! He was no match for me. It was an unfair fight to be honest… Leah will be waiting for you. After she says follow me you should just run after her without doing anything Yes. I did that. Talk to Leah Yes, I will show you how to craft such a temple, and if you are lucky, how best to make use of it. Power flows through the core. This is a rudimentary question, student! I can sense your familiarity with this lesson, but not your commitment. Show me your best uh…”Terminator Burpee”! You must practice being nimble, and learn to adapt. Show me how well your body can switch between opposite forms. Constantly push yourself, for often, it is we who are our own greatest enemy. Like this. Watch closely as I channel my inner warrior… After Leah’s done with you, you’ll get Notice Me, Sensei Vickie Load Branch 15 Talk to Vickie Go ahead and test me again… Vickie will talk to you Well actually, I actually needed a little help. I couldn’t take him out alone. After cutscene you’ll get Vickie Katherine/ Beyond the Call of Dude-y Continues after last section (Save alt) Talk to Katherine Frank’s guarding all of the alcohol. I think Frank has a crush on you. Talk to Frank. Slap him awake if he’s out. Hey I’ve been chatting it up with Katherine. Want me to put in a good word for you? Sounds like a deal! I’m in! Give the Rum to Katherine away from Leah Talk to Katherine So how can I ensure a 100 percent chance of getting in your pants? Hmm. Humiliate myself, or turn down sex? I guess I have no choice. I’ll do it! Remove everything and walk up to everyone and make sure they talk about you. Talk to Katherine I did it! I flashed every single person here! Go to the master bedroom and take the Camera in front of the mirror away from madison. Then go to the study room and take the SD Card next to the laptop. Now use the SD Card with the Camera.Get the Cucumber from the fridge. Talk to Katherine again So hey, wanna go somewhere more private? Talk to Katherine after following her Give the Cucumber to Katherine Go to the kitchen and use the Empty Vodka Bottle with the faucet. Now go to master bedroom and select the Camera and take a photo of naked Katherine. Give the Bottle of Water to Katherine Go out of the room and close and lock the door. After you hear her, open the door and watch the cutscene. After that you’ll get Katherine Put on everything and go to Frank Give the Camera to Frank You’ll get Beyond the Call of Dude-y Amy/ Casanova Continues after last section (Save alt) Go to the study and take the Chocolate Bar from the shelf. Now go to the kitchen and inspect the microwave and take the upside down Mug above it. Talk to Katherine Do you know why the microwave isn’t working? Talk to Amy Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Give the Vickie’s Panties to Amy Talk to Amy again Let me take a crack at one of those scavenger list items. Keep your dignity. Fcck the sorority. You’ll regret it if you give in to them! Wait for Katherine to talk to you about microwave. Use the Chocolate Bar with the Mug then use the faucet with the Chocolate in Mug. Finally use the microwave with Chocolate & Water in Mug. Wait for it to finish and take it. Talk to Amy again So what are you going to do now that you’ve decided against the sorority? Yeah sure, that sounds great! I’d love to join you! Follow her and sit next to her. Give the Hot Chocolate to Amy Talk to Amy This is really relaxing! I try to seek out the company of interesting people like you. I just want to get to know you better. It’s not about where you are, it’s about who you are. What do you say we seek out a more secluded area… It’s been nothing short of a total pleasure meeting you! You’ll get Amy Follow her to the study, remove everything. Talk to Amy So how about you and I have a little fun? Could you stand up for me please? Talk to Amy again So how about you and I have a little fun? Can I get a peek of those tits? Could you take your pants off for me? Could I see what’s beneath those panties? I can’t take it anymore Amy. I need to fcck you. Enjoy the cutscene. After because you’ve been with 4 girls (Lety, Vickie, Katherine and Amy) you will get Casanova The Magic Number Continues after last section (Save alt) Talk to Vickie I feel sexually empowered, and smooooth as fcck. Am I the perfect threesome partner or what? Talk to Vickie Ok, I’m ready! I made a few “special friends”! Amy’s warming up to me. Follow her to Amy Then follow Vickie again. Watch the cutscene and after that you’ll get The Magic Number I Know Grump-Fu/ D-Club Certified Continues after last section (Save alt) Talk to Katherine away from Frank and Leah Alright, here’s to a spandex-free future! *Take a swig of the Rum* Go the garage and take Cell Phone Jammer. Talk to Katherine after a while Give the Cell Phone Jammer to Katherine I’mma jam them up so hard for you Katherine. So hard. Select the Cell Phone Jammer and turn it on. Now go outside and wait for the grumps to fall in the yard. Go to them. They will talk to you I guess I’ll see what I can do. Compubruh will talk to you Pick up the Starbomb Box in the yard. Save Branch 16 Give a Natty Lite to Arin away from Leah or Frank After a while give another Natty Lite to Arin After a while give the thirdNatty Lite to Arin Follow him. Frank will talk to Arin. Talk to Arin Take it easy! Frank’s just keeping everyone sober. …By guarding the booze cabinet like it’s his hot cousin. Follow them to Frank. After their conversation follow Frank. Open the door when their conversation ends. You’ll get D-Club Certified Follow them to liquor cabinet and listen to the conversation. After that open the Compubruh in your inventory and select poke boob. Give the Compubruh to Dan What if I were to tell you…there is a reality beyond this one. A virtual world. Hold onto this. *Give Compubrah to the Grumps* Go to the study and take the Usb Stick on the safe in the closet. Use the Usb Stick with the Compubruh Talk to Katherine Katherine, I need the signal jammer back. Talk to Frank Hey uh, my dude. Think I could get that camera back? I promise I’ll bring it back later tonight! Talk to Arin I need a picture of you guys. With Katherine. Talk to Katherine Ok Katherine, the Grumps are ready for you! Follow Katherine to grumps. After they talk select the Camera from inventory and take a photo of them. Katherine will give you Cell Phone Jammer select it in inventory and turn it off. After they talk you’ll get I Know Grump-Fu Do Not Burn / IRL Let’s Player Load Branch 16 Talk to them and select all the dialogues For the IRL Let’s Player you just need to follow Arin and Dan until achievement pops. Give Arin the Dildo for a fun scene. Pick up the Dildo after Arin throws it. You’ll get a message pop up whenever they are doing something. You’ll get IRL Let’s Player after seeing enough of their sh!t. Give the Starbomb Box to Arin Go with them. After conversation open your inventory select Starbomb Box throw it into hot tub. They’ll ask you to throw one more. Rinse and repeat until they give up and go to the fire pit. Talk to Arin Throw one last Starbomb into the fire. They’ll talk a lot and then fly off on flamingos. you’ll get Do Not Burn Drunk and Disorderly: Madison Continues after last section Save Branch 17 So the baseline is giving Natty Lites to Characters away from Leah and Frank until they do stupid stuff. Give a Natty Light to Madison Keep giving Natty Lights to Madison time to time until she takes it Keep giving Natty Lights to Madison time to time until she takes it Eh, at least someone will be having a good time. Madame Moonshine? Keep giving Natty Lights to Madison time to time until she takes it Keep giving Natty Lights to Madison time to time until she takes it Talk to Madison Go to Katherine, Britney and Rachael in any order. Talk to Madison Go to Frank. Finally go to Ashley. After Madison hits the glass door, You’ll get Drunk and Disorderly: Madison Drunk and Disorderly: Ashley Load Branch 17 Give a Natty Light to Ashley away from Leah and Frank Keep giving Natty Lights to Ashley time to time until she takes it Keep giving Natty Lights to Ashley time to time until she takes it Keep giving Natty Lights to Ashley time to time until she takes it You should tell her how you feel. Clear the air. Follow her to Madison. You’re about to get what you deserve, Madison! Let it all out Ash. Right now! After their fight you’ll get Drunk and Disorderly: Ashley Drunk and Disorderly: Stephanie Load Branch 17 Give a Natty Light to Stephanie away from Leah and Frank You wanna talk about it? Keep giving Natty Lights to Stephanie time to time until she takes it Tell me the worst part of working at Chubbies. Keep giving Natty Lights to Stephanie time to time until she takes it Keep giving Natty Lights to Stephanie time to time until she takes it You should quit. Follow her and follow her to hot tub, You’ll get Drunk and Disorderly: Stephanie Good Riddance Load Branch 17 Talk to Frank You seem like an interesting guy. I haven’t had anything to drink! Talk to Frank again So how’s guard duty treating you? I really don’t think this big balls “spidey sense” thing is a thing. Talk to Frank again Okay Frank, seriously! I don’t think having big balls matters as much as you think… I hate to break it to you, but they are talking about ccck size, not ball size. You need to talk to people about balls now. Yes, Seriously. You need to talk to 4 or 5 people including Vickie and Katherine and excluding Lety. Just talk to everybody that’s close if they’re not close ask them to go to the liquor cabinet and ask them there. For Katherine do as below: Talk to Frank Frank, I overheard somebody saying they had some alcohol! What do we do? Solid plan Frank! Let’s do it! Go to Katherine and wait for Frank Talk to Katherine when Frank is near Hey, Katherine. Big balls or big d!cks? Talk to Frank Believe me yet? Ccck size is WAY more important than ball size! Talk to Derek I need a favor. Can you show your d!ck to Frank? I’m just kidding, I just wanted to see your reaction. Talk to Derek again You’re looking kind of bored. Let’s go hang somewhere else, huh? Music’s bumpin, let’s go check it out. Go to dance floor and wait for Derek. Then Dance (E). Talk to Derek Hey buddy, I’ve been practicing my dance moves! Oh yeah, I’m sure. I may need a few to warm up…but then it’s go time. Talk to Stephanie Those are some pretty sweet dance moves you’ve got there! (If you don’t get it talk to her again.) Steph, I gotta take my dancing to the next level…got any tips for me? Talk to Derek Hey, Happy Feet. Got your dancing shoes on? Cause it’s time to throw down! Press E and dance. Derek will talk to you Press E and dance… betterer. Derek will talk to you Go me! To the victor go the spoils! You owe me a favor now. No questions asked, got it? Press E and stop dancing. Talk to Derek Alright Derek, I’m calling in that favor. I need you to flash Frank. Follow him to Frank Save Branch 18 Talk to Frank It’s tough not being the big guy on campus, huh? Nobody respects you Frank. They think you’re a loser. You’re just a sad, weird, elephant-balled freak of nature. Hahaha-hoooollly fcck! Those are some big-ass bizarro balls! And that ♥♥♥♥…so tiny! Frank will talk to you When Frank leaves, you’ll get Good Riddance Against All Odds Load Branch 18 Talk to Frank It’s tough not being the big guy on campus, huh? You’ll get past it, but it’s better you know the truth now. Being wrong is a part of life. You can learn from your mistakes. You’re not a freak. I’ve just been messing with you. Could you uh…put that away? Talk to Frank again That was some heavy sh!t we went through earlier…you still feeling okay? Frank, I want it all. All of you, and your behemoth besticles. Let’s turn “soon” into “right now”. You sure you don’t have any particular place in mind for us to…? Go to upstairs small bathroom and wait for Frank. Talk to Frank Frank…are you ready for me? After the cutscene you’ll get Against All Odds Don’t forget to put your clothes on. Casabrova Continues after last section (Save alt) Select Compubruh from inventory and use VR. Compubruhwill talk to you Oh I’m definitely ready… Compubruhwill talk to you *Select Patrick* Patrick will talk to you Cool story. On the bed, brah. Take everything off. Talk to Patrick Put that well-spoken mouth on my genitalia. Wait for your meter to fill then you’ll get Casabrova Ashley/ Relentless Continues after last section (Save alt) Talk to Ashley away from Madison So about that diary… So you’ve got the password, I’ve got the phone…What’s next? Talk to Frank Patrick called you an ass-licking fart monkey! Select Madison’s Diary and read it away from Madison. *Keep reading* Select Madison’s Phone and inspect it. Select gallery icon. Click on phone’s home button to get out. Talk to Ashley A gold mine of nudie pics. Talk to Derek You talking to yourself now? I’m worried about you man. Talk to Derek again So, say I got my hands on some naked photos of someone… Who could really make use of them? Talk to Ashley Vickie seems to be a fan of nudes. Talk to Vickie away from Madison I have something you may want, Vickie. Absolutely! Ashley will talk to you Derek! Alright, how will I know when you two are set? Wow, okay. Can do. Talk to Frank Patrick called you an ass-licking fart monkey! Talk to Derek You and Madison? Anything ever happen there? Derek, be straight with me. I know there’s more, gimme the deets bud. Follow Derek. When he’s done talking to Madison, Run to the master bed room closet and close the closet doors. After Madison and Derek start, remove your clothes, refuse to elaborate, masturbate. Click Ashley and select get head. Get out when you’re done and after all the dialogue, you’ll get Ashley Go to the spare room. Close the door and select Ashley and crouch (C) and remove shoes. Enjoy the cutscene. For the Relentless achievement, you need to keep getting Frank to beat Patrick. After 2 or 3 times, you’ll get Relentless Ronin/ The Harder They Fall…Dood Continues after last section (Save alt) Go to the spare room and select the terrarium and unlatch it. Go outside and wait. Someone will scream. Ashley will talk to you Talk to Leah There’s a security threat and I need your help! There’s a fcck!ng snake on the loose! Follow her and talk to he Seeya around, Leah. Save Branch 19 Talk to Leah Leah, we’re still definitely going after that snake. Sometimes you have to break one code to do right by your own code. Talk to Leah again Alright, I think I’ve got our light! Go to the garage. Select Madison’s or Patrick’s Phone and light on. Move around the garage when Leah talks to you. Try not to shine the light in Leah’s face. Leah will talk to you How can I be scared with someone like you fighting by my side? Take the phone by looking at your boobs and take. Then punch Leah 5 times. Leah will talk to you I’m ready! Let’s chase this bastard to the ends of the earth! …Or at least to the end of the property line. Go to Spare room and go near the terrarium. Leah will talk to you Someone wants to draw blood tonight…with FANGS. Go to art room and wait for Leah. Open closet door after dialogue. Take the Spray Can top left of the closet. Leah will talk to you First go to the master bedroom and make sure only the left door of closet is open. Then go outside and wait for Leah to talk to you. Go to the corner of the house which is on the same side of the gazebo and look for a Katana on the fence. It’s where the plants start. Inspect it and then punch it. Talk to Leah I found something you may wanna look at. There’s a sword stuck in the fence, just past the gazebo. Go back to the Katana and wait for Leah. Turn on the flashlight again and get it on the Katana. Leah will talk to you Yeah, this is looking more and more like an assassin is hiding amongst us. No doubt in my mind. Maybe I could have someone take a look at that katana and verify its authenticity. Talk to Amy Hey Amy…you uhhhh, you know anything about katanas? I was hoping you could take a look at this katana I have and tell me if it’s authentic or not. Leah will be in the bushes near the fire pit. Crouch (C) and talk to her. Okay here you go. Yeah about that katana… We’ve got a problem. That katana is a straight up tool of destruction! Frank will have a conversation on the phone. Talk to Leah Yes…open yourself to the dark side… Climb the gutter for a extra bit of power. Save Branch 20 For The Harder They Fall…Dood we need to kick Frank’s ass but it’s just hard. Soooo we’re gonna cheese the hell out of it. go to Frank and punch him once then run to the master bedroom closet without opening the right door. Drink 4 Natty Lites. Save something like Event 2 Frank can’t get into the closet. So you can time your punches when he’s in walking animation and back off after punching. Save your progress little by little until you beat him. Remember that your punches have a bit of range so don’t go out of closet. After you beat him you’ll get The Harder They Fall…Dood Load Branch 20 Talk to Frank I’m not interested in whatever weird titty club you’re trying to open up, you need to come clean to Leah. Follow Frank. After he talks to you go to the corner with the Katana, you’ll see Leah naked. Turn on the light and walk to her. Leah will talk to you Follow Leah to Frank. Leah will talk to you I’ll bring down Frank while you distract him! Press Space and fight Frank with your new moves. After beating Frank you’ll get Ronin If you want a cutscene with Leah follow her quickly to garage. Bride/ Money Shot Load Branch 19 Talk to Leah Leah, we’re still definitely going after that snake. Isn’t it the duty of an apprentice to rise up and defeat her master? Frank is weak, prove it by catching this snake.. Talk to Leah again So what’s this about a self-defense studio? Wow, sounds interesting. As long as you teach self-defense, and not “Bully Basics 101”, I’m there. Talk to Leah again Alright, I think I’ve got our light! Go to the garage. Select Madison’s or Patrick’s Phone and light on. Move around the garage when Leah talks to you. Try not to shine the light in Leah’s face. Leah will talk to you How can I be scared with someone like you fighting by my side? Take the phone by looking at your boobs and take. Then punch Leah 5 times. Leah will talk to you I’m ready! Let’s chase this bastard to the ends of the earth! …Or at least to the end of the property line. Go to Spare room and go near the terrarium. Wait for Leah. Leah will talk to you Someone wanted the snake to be free to live its life! Go to art room and wait for Leah. Open closet door after dialogue. Take the Spray Can top left of the closet. Go outside and wait for Leah to talk to you. Go to the corner of the house which is on the same side of the gazebo and look for a Katana on the fence. It’s where the plants start. Inspect it and then punch it. Talk to Leah I found something you may wanna look at. There’s a sword stuck in the fence, just past the gazebo. Go back to the Katana and wait for Leah. Turn on the flashlight again and get it on the Katana. Leah will talk to you Hmmm, are those pot leaves on the blade? Let’s be cautious, we don’t wanna overthink this. Talk to Amy Hey Amy…you uhhhh, you know anything about katanas? I was hoping you could take a look at this katana I have and tell me if it’s authentic or not. Leah will be in the bushes near the fire pit. Crouch (C) and talk to her. Okay here you go. Yeah about that katana… Amy verified it’s nothing but some cheap-o sword bought at a carnival. Frank will have a conversation on the phone. Talk to Leah Leah, you can come back from this. Remember the code! Look to the light! Talk to Frank I’m not interested in whatever weird titty club you’re trying to open up, you need to come clean to Leah. Follow Frank. After he talks to you go to the corner with the Katana, you’ll see Leah naked. Turn on the light and walk to her. Leah will talk to you Follow Leah to Frank Leah will talk to you I’ll bring down Frank while you distract him! Select Dildo in your inventory and select hold in hand. Move a bit closer to Frank and hold left click to throw. You’ll get Money Shot Select Natty Lites from your inventory and hold in hand. Hold left click and throw them at Frank. Do it one more time and Frank’s down. Talk to Leah after a while So, about that gift… Follow her to garage Talk to Leah What is it, what is it?! Hit Space and Fight Frank. After Leah’s dialogue fight Frank again. You can block now. When you’re out of stamina, run away from him. After beating him you’ll get Bride You can select Leah and sex dialogue to fcck. That’s All of the achievements for this run we’ll get the last 3 as male. Good Ol’ Days/ Inspector/ First Impressions Start the game as Male Right at the door remove everything and go near everybody to hear their comment on you. As last person go to Brittney upstairs. After you’ve shown your gun to everybody, You’ll get First Impressions Inspect the first Natty Lite under the table in study and then take it. Don’t take any Natty Lites if Leah is around. Talk to Madison You’re doing fine! It’s how bakers keep score! Yeah, most definitely. Talk to Derek Thanks for inviting me to the party! How long have we been friends? I feel like I’ve known you forever. Give the first Natty Lite to Derek away from Leah or Frank Follow him to gazebo. Leah must not be near you. so wait if she is. Talk to Derek Ahhh yeah, the time I replaced all the sparkling cider with moonshine? Ha! For the inspector achievement we need to inspect 30 objects, so go ahead and inspect everything you can and you see. Go to the small bathroom upstairs and take the second Natty Lite behind the basket. Go to the master bedroom and take the third Natty Lite from book shelf Keep giving the second Natty Light to Derek away from Leah and Frank time to time until he takes it. Follow him to hot tub. Leah must not be near. Talk to Derek The SmoothBooty Boyz! In the downstairs bathroom take the forth Natty Lite next to the toilet. In the kitchen take the fifth Natty Lite behind the microwave. You can inspect the things in the fridge. After you’ve inspected enough things you’ll get Inspector Keep giving the third Natty Light to Derek away from Leah and Frank time to time until he takes it. Follow him to gutter and climb it. Leah must not be near. Talk to Derek The pissing contest we had up on the balcony! I liked hearing that, honestly. Before you go…how about another contest for old times? Press P and then pee using (E). After contest press P. Keep giving the forth Natty Light to Derek away from Leah and Frank time to time until he takes it. Follow him to garage. Leah must not be near. Talk to Derek I sink the hidden cup in the crowd…right between a pair of magnificent boobs. Yeah, you mean a lot to me too. In more ways than one. I maybe remember that too… Watch the kissing scene. Keep giving the fifth Natty Light to Derek away from Leah and Frank time to time until he takes it. Follow him to laundry room. Talk to Derek I’m with you all the way Derek. After the cutscene you’ll get Good Ol’ Days


  1. GrayDemon on Steam